User:Jferrell/business hierarchy

From Wayne County, Ohio Online Resource Center
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-+- Businesses
 +-+- [[Category:Businesses listed by industry]]
   +-+- [[Category:Industries]]
     +-+- [[Category:<INDUSTRY>]]
       +-+- [[Category:Businesses in the <INDUSTRY> industry]]
       | |
       | +-+- [[Category:Active businesses in the <INDUSTRY> industry]]
       | | |
       | | +--- Pages of active businesses within industry
       | |
       | +-+- [[Category:Defunct businesses in the <INDUSTRY> industry]]
       | | |
       | | +--- Pages of defunct businesses within industry
       | |
       | +--- Pages of all businesses within industry
       +-+- [[Category:Types of businesses in the <INDUSTRY> industry]]
         +-+- [[Category:<TYPE>]]
           +-+- [[Category:<TYPE> (active)]]
           | |
           | +--- Pages of active businesses within type
           +-+- [[Category:<TYPE> (defunct)]]
           | |
           | +--- Pages of defunct businesses within type
           +--- Pages of all businesses within type