
From Wayne County, Ohio Online Resource Center
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The first reported photographer to appear in Wooster, Ohio was Dr. Theodatus A. Garlick from Cleveland, Ohio who brought his homemade daguerreotype camera to town and set up in the old U.S. Hall for a couple of days to show and sell his "daguerreotype drawings" and performances of "Nature's Pencil".[1]

Through the years, there have been a number of photographers throughout Wayne County, Ohio. Many of these photographers are included in our notebook, 19th Century Wayne County, Ohio Photographers. This notebook includes newspaper articles pertaining to various photographers in Wayne County, OH. It is organized in alphabetical order by the name of the photographer.

The notebook begins with general information on photography and ends with several pages of the less known photographers from the area. Two other books that include information on photographers include:

  • Ohio Photographers 1839-1900 by Diane VanSkiver Gagel.
  • Artists in Ohio, 1787-1900: A Biographical Dictionary compiled and edited by Mary Sayre Haverstock, Jeannette Mahoney Vance, and Brian L. Meggitt.

Wayne County, Ohio Photographers


  1. Wooster Democrat newspaper, 1842-JUN-23 p.3
  2. Wooster Democrat newspaper, 1846-APR-09 p.3