Newspaper clipping:Page 3 of Wayne County Democrat,published in Wooster, Ohio on Wednesday, June 30th, 1886 - Wooster Republican October 25 2022
{{Newspaper clipping |organization_name=Minglewood Coal Company |day=30 |month=06 |year=1886 |newspaper_title=Wooster Republican |image=Page 3 of Wayne County Democrat,published in Wooster, Ohio on Wednesday, June 30th, 1886.jpeg |page_number=3 |full_text="Among the friends who have given the Democrat calls of encouragement are the following: John Eckard, Dalton; R. A. Schmuck, Osnaburg, Stark county; George Moore, Fredericksburg; Peter Funalman, West Salem; Martin Conrad, Marshallville; Cyrus Smedley, Applecreek; David Morell, Koch; John Esselburn, Burbank; Ira H. Aylesworth, Big Prairie; Wm. Musser, Applecreek; Philip Kline, Wooster; James M. Bechtel, St. Louis, Mo.; Amos Walter, East Union; Simeon Smith, Applecreek; Frederick Lehman, Congress; Edward Goffinet, Sterling; Anna E. Grater, Wooster; C. W. McClure, Wooster; G. D. Moore, Moreland; Jacob Rebman, Congress; Henry LeFevre, Shreve; C. B. Mellinger, Plain; Miss Anna E. Larwill, Wooster; George Ott, Doylestown; J. H. Carr, Louisville, Ky.; Capt. Samuel Fluke, Urbana, Ills.; L. F. Gardner, Des Moines, Iowa; Minglewood Coal Company, Wooster."
- Individuals with Eckard Surname
- Individuals with Schmuck Surname
- Individuals with Moore Surname
- Individuals with Funalman Surname
- Individuals with Conrad Surname
- Individuals with Smedley Surname
- Individuals with Morell Surname
- Individuals with Esselburn Surname
- Individuals with Aylesworth Surname
- Individuals with Musser Surname
- Individuals with Kline Surname
- Individuals with Bechtel Surname
- Individuals with Walter Surname
- Individuals with Smith Surname
- Individuals with Lehman Surname
- Individuals with Goffinet Surname
- Individuals with Grater Surname
- Individuals with McClure Surname
- Individuals with Rebman Surname
- Individuals with LeFevre Surname
- Individuals with Mellinger Surname
- Individuals with Larwill Surname
- Individuals with Ott Surname
- Individuals with Carr Surname
- Individuals with Fluke Surname
- Individuals with Gardner Surname