John Cunningham
Born | February 19, 1792 |
Occupation | Physician |
Spouse(s) | Maria Stibbs Beall |
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Biographical Sketches
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Dr. John Cunningham
Abstracted from Ben Douglass' History of Wayne County, Ohio pages 331-332
John Cunningham, M.D., was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania on February 19, 1792. He graduated from Washington College in Pennsylvania. He began to study medicine in the office of S. Murdock, M.D. He remained here for three years. While under the study of S. Murdock, John Cunningham attended the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from which he graduated.
He came to Wooster on July 5, 1827. He married Miss Maria Stibbs Beall on March 20, 1830. He practiced medicine in Jeromesville, Ohio for awhile then returned to Washington County, Pennsylvania to continue his practice. His wife, Maria, died of typhoid fever on 20 Jun 1846 and is buried in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
List the husband, wife and children of the family. Include the childrens' maiden name in parentheses followed by the married name(s). If more information is known on the wife and children, a new page should be created.
- Husband: John Cunningham
- Wife: Maria Stibbs Beall
- Children:
Vital Records
Please include date of birth, place of birth, date marriage, place of marriage, date of death, place of death, and place of burial. Other information may be added with the contributor's or editor's discretion.
Census Records
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Places of Residence
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Court Records
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Tax Records
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Land Records
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Denomination Affiliations
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Community Involvement
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