Welcome to the Wayne County Public Library Business Portal.
The Business and Career Center and the Genealogy and Local History sections are both located on the second floor of the Wayne County Public Library. The Business and Career Center provides test-tutors, assists with career and job hunting, and supplies entrepreneur and grant resources. In the Genealogy and Local History department you can research your lineage and locate information about historical Wayne County, Ohio.
Business Databases The library subscribes to a number of paid databases and a selected number of free-access websites.
Company Directories Whether you are researching a current or historical local business, planning for your interview, or simply looking to experience life in Wayne County, this database will serve as a good source of information.
WORKING for You and Job Clubs The library offers one-on-one computer and job-related assistance. If you are looking to build your computer skills, polish your resume, prepare for your next interview, or network with other job seekers, then WORKING for You can serve as a valuable resource. WORKING is a partner with seventeen other Wayne County agencies that provide job readiness training.
Business Research Guides New to business research? These business guides will help steer you in the right direction.
Grant Funding The Grant and Business Information Center serves non-profits, individuals, and businesses. For non-profits, we offer regular workshops for researching and accessing grant opportunities, will provide help with writing grants, and will offer support in achieving grants' missions and goals. The Wayne County Public Library is a Funding Information Network partner of the Foundation Center.
Genealogy Portal This website serves as both source and repository for research pertaining to the local history of Wayne County and the genealogy of its residents. For an introduction to conducting genealogical research, see our "Getting started" guide. To explore the site, please see the sidebar to the left for browsing, or, if you're looking for something specific, use the search bar above. To find information on a specific family name, search for the name followed by "(surname)" without quotation marks. To find information about the Smith family, for example, you would search for "Smith (surname)" without quotation marks. For historical information on specific businesses in Wayne County, Ohio, browse through our business history category or do a search on the name of the business.
Taxes and Tax Forms Local, state, and federal tax forms can be found here.