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Wooster Board of Trade
. .
- Name
- Wooster Board of Trade
- Other Services
- Religious / Grantmaking / Civil / Profession and Similar Organizations
- Services
- Chamber
- Founded
- June 10,1893
- 1950
- Parent organizations
- Old numbering
- 12 W. Liberty St., Wooster, 44691, Ohio
- Wooster Board of Trade, June 10, 1893-1950, Board voted to change name
- Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce, 1950-Present
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City Directories
MEET TOMORROW NIGHT - SPECIAL SESSION. WOOSTER BOARD OF TRADE. Every Member or Citizen Willing to Help Asked to Attend to Consider Some Very Important Matters
NOTICE OF MEETING. I am directed to call a meeting of the Board of Trade to be held in City Council Chamber on Wednesday evening of this week to consider some very important matters. It is earnestly desired that every member will be present, and as many new members as can be secured by that time. It is the intention to create one or two new, important committees, and discuss some propositions of interest to the city. C. C. Adams, Sec'y
The officers and directors of "The Board of Trade of Wooster" met in the City Clerk's office last Tuesday to complete its organization and appoint its standing committees. The officers and directors constitute the Executive Committee and are as follows:
- President -- C. V. Hard
- 1st Vice President -- S. B. Husselman
- 2nd Vice President -- T. C. Raynolds
- Secretary -- C. C. Adams
- Treasurer -- W. W. Firestone
- Directors -- Three years: L. P. Ohliger; Harry McClarran Two years: J. R. Zimmerman; W. D. Tyler; One year: George Schwartz; W. B. Bryson.
- Public Improvements -- James Mullins, Chairman; S. B. Husselman; Geo. E. Kline; Adam Foss; J. H. Kauke; Dr. J. E. Barrett
- Rail Roads and Transportation -- J. R. Zimmerman, Chairman; T. C. Raynolds; Fred H. Harding; W. F. Mullins; C. M. Gray; W. C. Myers.
- New Enterprises and Industries -- Harry McClarran, Chairman; L. P. Ohliger; Samuel Metzler; C. W. Kauke; Chas F. Barrett; W. D. McClure; Andrew Branstettler.
- Finance -- W. D. Tyler, Chairman; Julian Jeffries; A. W. Shearer; A. W. Blackburn; P. C. Given; W. W. Firestone.
- Legislation -- A. D. Metz, Chairman; M. L. Smyser; John C. McClarran; Judge E. S. Dowell; Ross W. Funck.
- Produce and Grain -- Jacob Frick, Chairman; David Thomas; J. T. Shields; Charles E. Thorne; Abram Plank; J. S. R. Overholt.
- Manufacturers -- Charles F. Barrett, Chairman; W. D. Foss; H. L. Kuhns; B. J. Hartman; John Stevens, Jr.
- Membership -- H. B. Odenkirk, Chairman; Geo. J. Schwartz; David Nice; W. B. Bryson; Harry Huffstot; J. G. George.
- Lumber and Coal -- D. C. Curry, Chairman; J. W. Chamberlain; John H. Taylor; J. S. Elliott; Harry Burrows; C. W. McClure.
- Streets and Pavements -- James B. Taylor, Chairman; C. A. McDonald; J. T. Keister; Alvinzi Cunningham; W. H. H. Sichley
- Local Mercantile Interests -- W. O. Beebe, Chairman; I. N. Kinney; L. D. Craighead; R. J. Sweeney; E. K. Keiselman; E. Chatelain; W. A. Mugey.
- Real Estate -- Daniel Funck, Chairman; Jacob Palmer; Elmer Funk; John F. Barrett; E. W. Newkirk; Wm. C. Yost.
- Statistics -- John F. Marchand, Chairman; Lemuel Jeffries; A. B. Peckinpaugh; M. E. Weixelbaum; Jesse McClellan; Harvey Geiselman; W. F. Clark
SPECIAL NOTICE Additional members as enrolled will be added to the Committees from time to time, so that every man may have a chance to work for Wooster. [1]
Wooster Board of Trade Meeting
- Wednesday, September 1894: About 25 members of the Board of Trade attended the special meeting held in the Mayor's office last night. The meeting was called to select delegates to the meeting of the State Board of Commerce, a member of the Executive Committee of the State Board of Commerce and a special committee to confer with the County Commissioners in the matter of securing a new bridge of proper construction over Christmas Run. President C. V. Hard presided. The members selected to serve are as follows:
Delegates to meeting of State Board of Commerce-- C. V. Hard, J. R. Zimmerman, W. J. Mullins.
Member of State Board of Commerce Executive Committee-- L. P. Ohliger
Special Committee to confer with County Commissioners on securing a new bridge over Christmas Run on W. Liberty street-- J. R. Zimmerman, Jacob Frick, Jas. Mullins, Harry McClarran, W. W. Firestone, W. D. Tyler, C. F. Barrett, E. K. Geiselman, David Nice and Geo J. Schwartz.
Has Money In Treasury: Board of Trade Reports Show Big Boom in Store for Wooster During Coming Here
- Has Money In Treasury: Board of Trade Reports Show Big Boom in Store for Wooster During Coming Here [2]
Two hundred and sixty-nine members of the Wooster Board of Trade feasted on dainty eatable, satisfactory reports of committees and optimistic and enthusiastic speeches at the annual meeting and banquet of the Board held Tuesday evening at the American Hotel.
When the inner man had been well satisfied, President W. D. Foss called the meeting to order, and the reports of the various committees were given. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Dix, Secretary Albert Dix was unable to be present and his report was read by E. S. Landes it follows:
The first annual meeting of the Wooster Board of Trade was held at the Archer House, Jan. 26, 1909, with 121 members present.
Ten directors were elected as follows: Walter D. Foss, Albert Dix, J. M. Criley, C. M. Gray, J. C. Schultz, Nick Amster, Wm. Annat, W. G. Christy, E. W. Thompson and W. R. Barnhart.
On February 1, 1909, these directors met and elected the following five additional directors: H. Freedlander, E. S. Landes, George Gerstenslager, M. M. Van Nest and Geo J. Schwartz making 15 ________ as required by the Constitution. The directors organized by electing Walter D. Foss, President, John C. Schultz, First Vice President, M. M. Van Nest, Second Vice President, Albert Dix, Secretary and C. M. Gray, Treasurer.
This board has held over fifty meetings since that date and have considered many propositions from industries wishing to locate in Wooster Contracts were made with the Canton-Hughes Pump Co. The Monitor Sand Iron ___ and The Buckeye Aluminum Co..
The Monitor ____ Iron Co. forfeited its contract which was cancelled. The others are going ahead and by next summer will be working with full force.
The board invested the money collected from the Glass Works Co. in land which was sold in lots to furnish the money to pay the above named firms to locate in Wooster. There is still another Industry that can be got this years if the Board and Boosters feel as though it is best. It will cost from $10,000 to $15,000 and a site and is The Gravity Carriers Co. of St. Paul. Respectfully submitted, ALBERT Dix, Secretary
In the absence of Chairman Schwartz, President Foss gave the report of the Railroad committee, showing that the committee had done much work in regard to the switch for the Canton-Hughes Pump Co. ________ that it had been finally determined that the Board should give $1500 and do the grading for the switch, while the Railroad Co. is to pay $1,000.
Mr. Landes gave the report of the Real Estate Committee, showing the following purchases of lands: From G. W. Spangler, three acres, $2,000, from Anna Lytle, one acre, $350, from E. S. Landes, land, $700, from John McSweeney, 16 acres, $3500, from Nold estate, ten acresm $3,000, from George Kreiger, land, $1,300, from Mr. Odenkirk, 40 acres, $18,000. Mr. Landes states that enough land is owned by the Board of Trade to make 50 lots in addition to the 300 sold, and that besides this there are seven factory sites on which eight factories are to be located.
H. H. Freedlander gave the report of the membership committee and this was followed by the final report of the evening, that of President W. D. Foss. It follows in full.
Gentlemen of the Wooster Board of Trade
The end of the tenth year of this organization finds us in a very happy and optimistic frame of mind. Business conditions, and the outlook for Wooster, at times, during the past decade, were not always what we wished they were or what we hoped they would be, but after having listened to the very encouraging reports or the several committees, especially that of the New Industries Committee, is there a man before me who is not optimistic? And have we not good reason to be so? Where is there city in the Union of the size of Wooster, the City of Progress that accomplished the remarkable feat of selling three hundred lots, the total aggregating over $77,000.00 in one day? Then contemplate the benefits we may reasonably expect to receive when the two magnificent manufacturing concerns are in ____________ will be before another year rolls around and possibly before the summer is over. The securing of these factories was made possible through this record breaking sale. And how was our success attained? Through hearty co-operation, good feeling, and willingness of everyone of the sixty men who started out on the memorable morning of Sept. 20, 1910, to win. The people were with us, and we won.
G. A. Hudson at this juncture made a short speech in which he suggested that the Board of Trade band next summer run a business men's excursion, the proceeds of which could be devoted to the new Wooster band. He suggested that it be approved by the Board of Trade and a committee named to assist in the arrangements. This suggestion met with the hearty approval of all present, and a motion to carry it out was unanimously adopted. This will be the one big excursion from Wooster during the summer.
At this point the election of a new board of ten directors was held. The ten men elected will meet next Monday night and select five additional members, as provided by the constitution of the Board. The following men were placed in nomination:
Messrs Dr. Blechele, E. S. Landes, W. D. Foss, C. M. Gray, W. G. Chris-______, Nick Amster, W. R. Curry, Max Bloomberg, H. H. Freedlander, M. M. Van Nest, Albert Dix, E. W. Thompson, J. C. Schultz, W. A. Craig, E. S. Wertz, George Gerstenslager, W. R. Barnhart, F. E. Boigegrain, G. A. Hudson, Wm Long, R. R. Woods, Wm Annat, W. B. Bryson, E. Paumier, R. L. Adair, H. H. Whiting, J. T. Keister and J. J. Keister.
President Foss appointed the following tellers: W. G. Whitaker, Harry Newman and S. H. Dawson. the tellers retired, and later on in the evening reported the following men of the ten receiving the highest number of votes as the ones elected.
E. S. Landes, J. C. Schultz, Nick Amster, Dr. Biechele, E. W. Thompson, W. R. Barnhart, Albert Dix, W. D. Foss, H. H> Whiting, and H. H. Freedlander.
One of the best addresses of the evening was given by J. M. Criley.
"What I may say may be in the nature of a farewell," said Mr. Criley, and if tears come to my eyes, I shall not be ashamed of them, for in this great school of life you men have taught me what I know, and I should be ungrateful indeed to leave you without feeling a pang in my heart. With your sympathy and help, I have tried to be equal to the tasks assigned to me." Mr. Criley spoke of his school days and then compared the work of school with the work of life in a very masterly fashion ______ great privilege to have attended the university, but a greater one to have attended the school of life among you where every lesson was learned by experience. In the school of life we studied arithmetic, and in one day we learned to make $80,000 out of $18,000, we studied surveying, and the best part is that each one of us will get a piece of the land we survey. We've studied music, and the fine Wooster band is the result, we've learned the dignity of labor, learned that every busy man is a business man, that honest business is business and that dishonest business isn't anything. A studied never grows old. The student body and the University is as young now as it was a score of years ago. This Board of Trade does not grow old. Our leading citizens never grow old, our worthy toastmaster wears his hair white because it is becoming that way and I can well remember the time when President Foss has no hair at all. Dr. Blechele came among us a helpless invalid, and look at him now. Mr. Criley quoted some lines from Oliver Wendell Holmes poem "The Boys" to close his splendid speech. At Mr. Criley's suggestion the entire body arose to pay a silent tribute to the member of B. F. Thorne who died Tuesday, and who was referred to as one of the worthy boys and a citizen of whom all had been proud.
Mayor W. E. Freeman during his remarks, asked that the Board of Trade appoint a committee to act in conjunction with the G. A. R. committee for the observance of Memorial Day. This suggestion was approved and a committee will be named to make Memorial Day a more pronounced tribute to the soldier dead than it has ever been before. The hour was late and no more speakers were called upon. The meeting was the most successful in the history of the Board of Trade, and a spirit of good fellowship and social_____ scarcely ever seen in Wooster was manifest throughout.
Is Growing to Beat the Band as Result of the Combined: Efforts of Board of Trade and Realty Men of This City
- Is Growing to Beat the Band as Result of the Combined: Efforts of Board of Trade and Realty Men of This City. [3]
At the annual meeting of the Board of Trade Tuesday evening Feb. 4, some very interesting things regarding the progress Wooster has made during the past few years will crop out.
Reports from various sources indicate that the past year has shown a greater percentage of growth than any previous one, and that the outlook for the coming year is brighter than ever.
One new factory is in line. It is a concern that will employ about __ people, and the owners expect to erect a two-story brick building here during the spring. All the city needs to do is give them a location. The matter is practically closed up and will be announced soon.
Inquiry at the waterworks department shows that water has been installed in 98 homes during the past six months. Many of these were new homes, others were those where bath rooms were added.
City council having finished a busy year in the improvement line, is branching out to do still more work during the coming year. No ____ than 15 streets are being considered for paving and sewerage. All cannot be taken care of this year, but many of them will.
County commissioners are planning to pave four miles of Wayne county road, and the Ohio legislature may make it possible to do even more than this.
Wooster men and Wayne county farmers are planning the construction of homes on the Board of Trade allotment, and in other places about the city. Definite arrangements to build at least 20 houses have been made. All of these are to be good, modern homes, and, besides, it is expected that many will be built to rent, especially those to be erected on the allotment.
The Buckeye Aluminum company has built two additions during the past year, the Canton-Hughes Pump company is planning the erection of a foundry building, and the Cataract Rubber company is about ready to start work. The Brush Works, Pad Works, Shale Brick Works and the buggy company are all making great strides forward, and the industrial outlook could not be better.
Members of Board of Trade Meet
- Members of Board of Trade Meet. [4]
Over three hundred member of the Wooster Board of Trade attended the adjourned annual meeting held Tuesday evening in their new hall over the Citizens' National bank.
They heard good music, excellent reports, stirring, enthusiastic speeches, relected the present board of directors and then partook of sandwiches and coffee.
The capacity of the hall was taxed, but the members were not crowded, the seats having been admirably arranged.
Shortly after 8 o'clock, when the members had assembled, President, John C. Schultz called the meeting to order and Rev. E. E. Young pronounced the invocation.
George Brant sand an excellent solo, and was heartily encored.
President Schultz at this time announced that because of illness Judge Weygandt would not be present to make the address, as expected, and that a few changes in the program would be necessary. He then called for reports of the various committees.
The playing of the Franks orchestra was one of the features of the evening.
E. S. Landes, for the New Industry committee, reported having landed one new one, the Cedar Moss company, which is to start operation here not later than Sept. 1.
"Our committee had a couple more in sight and a better report may be looked forward to next year." He said. The committee during the past year worked without funds.
Chairman W. D. Foss of the Committee of Railroads and Transportation, reported that damage caused by flood to the side track to the Canton Hughes Pump company had been repaired, and through cooperation with the city water was diverted so that no further trouble occurred. In discussing the inter-switching proceedings, Mr. Foss spoke of the victor that had been won in September, in which the two railroads were given 90 days to build the switch. He than stated that the railroads appealed the case to common pleas court at Columbus where it is now pending and where it will be prosecuted by the attorney general.
George Gerstenslager on public improvements reported that the committee had done its part in having the road past the fair grounds paved and had then quit boosting in order to allow the allotment work to proceed as rapidly as possible.
C. A. Weiser, Chairman of the legal committee, reported that the committee had a hard years work. Contracts with the Aluminum company were changed to allow the company to expand, many deeds were given for lots full paid up contract with the Cedar Moss company was formulated and contracts were drawn up for the sale of the McCreary plant to the Cataract Rubber company.
W. R. Barnhart reported for the manufacturing committee, and Albert Dix for the publicity committee, the latter saying that the committee had given all the news of the Board of Trade to the newspapers so that members knew what was going on.
H. H. Freedlander, for the produce and grain committee, reported that the wheat crop was a failure and so was the committee.
E. W. Thompson, chairman of the finance committee had a very interesting report, of which the following are extracts.
Membership Fund. | |
Balance on hand Jan 23, 1912 | $357.95 |
Collected during year | 514.00 |
TOTAL | $871.95 |
Disbursed during year | 539.42 |
Balance on hand | 332.53 |
Allotment Fund. | |
Balance on hand. Jan 23, 1912 | $227.94 |
Collections from all sources during the year | $14,352.10 |
TOTAL | 14,340.17 |
Balance on hand | $239.87 |
Indebtedness. | |
Old Phoenix Bank Medina | $4,000.00 |
Central National bank, Cleveland | $1,000.00 |
Exchange National Bank, Lodi | $6,000.00 |
Wayne County National bank | $4,000.00 |
Citizens' National bank | $7,000.00 |
Commercial bank | 16.00 |
TOTAL | $22,016.00 |
Assets. | |
Due from lot purchasers | $23,660.00 |
Due on notes for rubber factory | 550.00 |
TOTAL | $24,210.00 |
Three thousand and forty-five dollars of the amount due from lot purchases are from those that are delinquent. |
R. R. Woods, of the real estate committee, reported that the board now owns but 45 lots and one little piece of ground facing on Palmer street.
R. A. Biechele for the committee on streets and paving reported that cooperation, on the part of the city government enabled the allotment work to go fast during the year, between three and four miles of streets being laid out. He also reported that contractors Greist and Markley had done much to assist the Board of Trade by doing things not in their contract.
On behalf of the Citizens' National bank Dr. Biechele welcomed the board to its new quarters in the building.
Nick Amster, chairman of the membership committee, reported that the organization now had 318 members.
John C. Schultz then gave the president's address, which showed careful preparation. R. R. Woods moved that it be published in local newspapers and the motion carried unanimously. It is printed in another part of this issue.
Dr. Biechele at this point introduced I. C. Emery, who is here in charge of the affairs of the Cataract Rubber company. Mr. Emery, later on, was introduced to practically every member in the hall and enjoyed his first evening with the Board of Trade.
The Daily News quartet then sang a selection and were forced to respond with an encore, making a fine impression. Later in the evening the quartet was called up again and were encored a second time, the comic solo work of Sturgis also keeping the members in a roar of laughter.
When the matter of electing directors was brought up S. Wertz stated that inasmuch as the directors had given personal notes to secure the indebtedness of the board, he would make a motion, authorizing the secretary to cast the vote of all members or the _________ of the ten directors elected last year. An amendment by ___ D Metz was voted down and Mr. Wertz's. motion was passed. These ten men will meet next Monday to select five other directors.
The ten directors re-elected were Nick Amster, W. R. Barnhart, R. A. Biechele, A. Dix, H. H. Freedlander, W. D. Foss, E. S. Landes, John C. Schultz, E. W. Thompson, H. H. Whiting.
L. E. Conrad, on behalf of the rural mail carriers, stated that any _____ from the board for the state convention here next fall would be greatly appreciated.
Judge _____ Adair was then called upon and told some good stories on a number of the members of the body, _____ of which was to the effect that ___ E. S. Landes had continued to live at Madison burg. Wooster would now be a suburb of that village. He also told of drawing up a will for A. Dix in which he bequeathed all to the Board of Trade. A ___ he spoke of the conservatism the enthusiasm and the _____ of the people of Wooster as being our city's greatest assets.
As there were six members of the ministerial profession present, President Schultz _____ on Rev. R. S. _______ and then on Dr. W. B. Slutz lunch was not quite ready and there was a request for Dr. Weir. He was followed by Rev. D. A. Heron.
The room was then cleared of chairs, and tables substituted. Excellent sandwiches, cheese, pickles, hot coffee and cigars constituted the lunch, served by John Johnston. A social hour followed.
Pres. J. C. Schultz Has Good Speech
- Pres. J. C. Schultz Has Good Speech. [5]
The address of John C. Schultz, president of the Board of Trade, given at Tuesday night's meeting, was a statement of the work that lies ahead he said.
The next 25 years have in store for "The City of Progress" just what the Wooster Board of Trade is enabled to accomplish at this the most critical moment in the history of the board's existence. Wooster's golden opportunity is now being held in full view of her watchmen while they are obliged to stand gazing upon a picture with their hands stayed __ a _____ enthusiasm that has fallen asleep, just before the coveted prize has been fully secured. Our Board of Trade, has, in the past six years, done magnificent things, and as a result of their efforts every investment in Wooster has increased in value and every citizen has quickened his step and smiles as he sees the old town change and grow.
The masses of the people of Wooster however, do not even now realize that somebody, must necessarily have originated the ideas and formulated plans by which a community of business interests could work in harmony and unitedly in an effort to bring about such a change in business activities. These things have been brought about, first of all, by the ambition and forethought of some, and by united effort of citizens, who had become tired of a lifeless combination of brick and stone and walking monuments of clay. which for 30 years had been the principal assets of Wooster. When a few years ago, Wooster's business men came to a realization of the fact that we were doomed to be a dead town, they suddenly awoke, shook off their drowsiness and with a sudden burst of enthusiasm really started the wheels of progress up the wheels of progress up the right track, but before reaching the summit of our aspirations we have become wearied and are gradually relaxing our energies, and again taking on the old habit of contentment and ease, and further progress for the present seems impossible because not all have been true to their financial promises.
Never did any town have a better opportunity for advancement than Wooster has just now, but there never was a time when Wooster was more in need of true loyalty on the part of her 400 Boosters than she is at this time. In the midst of great prosperity often lies the greatest danger, and therefore, we must be on our guard at every point. We are now a busy and a growing town. Our plans of a few years ago have so far worked out fine. The purchase of the land selling of the lots, ________ of the magnificent factories. All has been done well, because of the confidence placed in each other. It took a pile of money, which had to be advanced by the executive board, backed by the promises of citizens and lot purchasers, and we are now approaching the climax the real test of our enthusiasm when success or failure of the entire work depends upon the faithful fulfillment of every agreement of all the lot purchasers and subscribers. Will we dare to be quitters? Refusal to meet every obligation made by citizens to the Board of Trade in this deal would be chiseling the epitaph on the tombstone of Wooster's greatest prosperity.
I appeal to Wooster's ____ for one more united effort for the completion of the plans and work so well begun and not allow a single subscriber or purchaser of a lot to betray the confidence our executive board placed in each and all of us. Each dollar is needed as fast as installments are due and each days delay adds interest and creates a shortage.
It is a good thing to start a good work for a good purpose, but a job left unutilized is always a bad one, no matter how good may have been the beginning. This is no time for us to be quitters. If the Wooster Board of Trade can not meet its obligations fully because of some refusing to make good their obligation to the board, Wooster will be given thereby, the hardest knock she has ever had in that event there could not again be found men enough in Wooster to back even the smallest proposition that is now knocking for admission.
To live we must grow, stop growing and we die, and no matter how large a city becomes, we still must continue to grow or we will pass into the list of the dead. We need not go far from Wooster to see this demonstrated. As soon as our present factories are full supplied with men and those men are comfortably housed the demand for new homes will be at an end and our building activities will cease. Then we will have another dead town un ____ other new enterprises are ____ the only difference will be the second corpse will be bigger than the first and the second death a greater loss than the first.
It is important, therefore, that we give all our enterprises every encouragement possible take care of our obligations promptly, and secure another new industry, build more houses for it's men in order that Wooster merchants can furnish their new homes, and feed and clothe their families, a of which will help fill our churches and schools and keep everybody busy and happy.
To the few business men and the many property owners in Wooster, who have paid nothing towards securing all this prosperity. I would suggest that you assist those who may not be financially able to keep up their payments and who have done all they can, to make your property worth owning in Wooster.
Remember, gentlemen, we are only in the midst of the battle and the victory was only partly won when the 300 lots were sold two years ago, and our obligations to the three magnificent factories, then secured, will not be fully discharged until the last dollar due on the lots will have been paid. Failure to do so makes each and every member of the Wooster Board of Trade liable for the unpaid indebtedness.
It is an honor, gentlemen, to be a member today of the Wooster Board of Trade, and for some it would seem to be a great honor to hold office in this noted organization, but for me, as president, it has been a deep sense of a great responsibility and of a duty I owe to my fellow citizens, in a common effort to make the city of our choice the subject of honorable mention throughout our land and to afford a market for the products of the rich country surrounding it No, gentlemen, here is no honor except we finish the work we have undertaken. Unless we keep in the race to the finish, we can win no honor.
Historical documents
Highlights to the Official Minutes
- Excerpts of Minutes from 90 Years of Looking to the Future: 1900-1990 [6]
- At the annual meeting 14 committees were organized: Advertising, Legislation, Manufacturers, Members, Statistics, Taxation, New Enterprise & Industries, Produce & Grain, Publicity, Real Estate & Insurance and Taxation.
- Buckeye Aluminum Company and Canton Hughes Pump Co. entered into agreements with the Board of Trade. The Wooster Board of Trade was generous in providing land and financial incentives as well as access to railroad switches. High penalties for failure to comply with the terms of their contract.
- Provided planned residential structures for families moving to this area to work in the new businesses.
- Wayne County Fair Board asked businessmen of Wooster to close their business for two days during the fair.
- Wooster Board of Trade sent a request to the Ohio Mail Carriers to hold their 1913 convention in Wooster.
- Transportation was an essential aspect of development.
- The Board was concerned with paving and improving the Lincoln Highway from Canton through Wooster and on to Mansfield.
- The Wooster Board of Trade Band entertained those assembled.
- $15,000 was pledged by the Board to the Cleveland, Barberton, Coshocton, and Zanesville Railroad Company toward surveying and right of way costs. The Board also granted this railroad a franchise into the City of Wooster and the use of the Board of Trade railroad switch.
- In January, Mr. Charles Curry and Mssrs. French and French presented a proposition to establish a paving brick plant in Wooster.
- The railroad requested $1500 of the $5000 guaranteed for the survey work; request was granted. Each contributor understood if the railroad was not built, the amount would be a free contribution.
- Board members voted favorably on the motion that the Wooster Board of Trade become a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America.
- The Wooster Business Men's Association held their first Dollar Days in Wooster, Ohio Sale.
- In November, steps were being taken to aid in surveying and securing right of way for the Cleveland & Ohio Central Electric Railway.
- College of Wooster President J. Campbell White delivered a 30-minute address at the annual meeting during which he complimented Wooster on having such a fine body of men as members of its Board of Trade.
- Industrial land was being developed by the Board on the tract of land lying East of Palmer and South of Bowman Streets. The Kelly Springfield Co. and Central Construction Co. were both interested in locating plants at that site.
- The Canton Hughes Pump Company, The failed later however, necessitating negotiations by the Board resulting in a $5000 settlement.
- Three members of the Board of Trade acted on the executive committee to raise one million dollars for the University of Wooster.
- A request to raise $200 for garden and home beautifying contests was referred to the finance committee.
- The Board of Directors endorsed plan No. 1 of the city for securing the water supply.
- A motion was adopted to create a sinking fund for the securing of factories for our city, citing that plans used before this for raising funds had lacked system. A committee was formed to seek pledges from business firms, business men, professional men and others who should contribute to this fund.
- In September, the Board of Trade Band presented its last outdoor concert of the season. The Wooster Daily News suggested that listeners should be generous with their silver when the collection plates were passed.
- Local efforts supporting the war effort superceded other concerns. No Board of Trade meetings were held from September through December. The minutes simply state: Quorum not present, Quarantine, Influenza.
- New offices were required. H. Freedlander reported on the availability of space at the People's Savings and Loan Co. for $25.00 per month. The Wooster Business Men's Association offered to pay half the rental expense. The Board moved to accept. Later in 1919, they voted to change these offices from the 4th to the 2nd floor. They voted to get Congoleum, chair tips and hat trees for their new offices, and in December, purchased rugs from the William Annat Company for $40.00.
- Board of Trade President Harris addressed the membership at the annual meeting, calling attention to the imperative necessity for greater thrift, personal savings, and individual progress for the demands of the future.
- Blueprints for the New Park project were studied in July, and the Board began quietly taking options on about 40 acres of land for Wooster's first park.
- By October, negotiations with the Success Dish Washing Machine Company had been completed, Mr. Rice having reported earlier in the year that this company could be made a strong growing concern by securing a good salesman and some additional capital.
- President Freedlander gave his address stating that the Board of Trade should be the backbone of Wooster.
- Mr. Richard, Chairman of the New Industry Committee, reported that during 1920 the Board closed contracts with the Toy Kraft Company, the Akron Brass Company and the Wooster Rubber Company.
- Bills approved for the annual meeting were: Feed - $29.49; Memorial Hall rent - $10.00; 775 postcards - $7.75; and Rahl's Drug Store, 200 cigars - $15.00.
- Mr. McNabb, representing the Safety Stair Tread Co., wished to locate a plant in Wooster on a site next to Akron Brass Company.
- Contracts were negotiated with the Surgeons Rubber Glove Co., Woodard Machine Company, and the Superior Cloak Company.
- The Good Roads Committee planned to arrange a number of meetings in the rural districts around Wooster when the roads became passable.
- Plans for New Park continued. The Board purchased properties in the Christmas Run Valley and retained Mr. Vitale, of the New York City landscape architecture firm Vitale, Brinkerhoff, and Geiffert, to design the park.
- Albert Dix, charter member and first Board of Trade Secretary, missed his first annual meeting. The Board resolved that the secretary be instructed to convey to Mr. Dix the information that he was greatly missed.
- Mr. Quinby, of the Membership and Band Committee, was kept busy with the Wooster Board of Trade Band. In March, he reported the band had made a demand on the Board that each member be paid $1.50 per night for rehearsal and $1.00 per night for concerts. The matter was referred back to his committee.
- Mr. McSweeney's committee was considering a site for the city dump, and wished to recommend that the triangle space between the streetcar tracks, Wayne Ave., and Bever Street (now Diller Park) be used for this purpose. The consensus was that this was too close to the city.
- In June, Mr. McSweeney advised they expected to turn the water into the new swimming hole on the 12th, and Mr. Quinby had pledges totaling $1500 for the Band.
- Mr. Dix reported negotiations were going forward with a collapsible umbrella manufacturer.
- By October, it became necessary to conduct a campaign for the renewal of pledges to the sinking fund, and the dues were increased to $5.00.
- The urgent need is securing more sites whereon factories can be located. New industries are continually knocking on the door and the outlook is indeed golden. Board of Trade real estate is appraised at $60,000 and membership is 1066 -- the highest ever.
- President Emmet Dix's annual meeting address encouraged the Board of Trade to now give considerable attention to civic development in addition to the work done for industrial and commercial development.
- A proclamation was read to Elmer S. Landes who served unselfishly and efficiently as General of the Membership Campaign Army.
- Mr. Quinby reported in June that the Band wished to put on a "Tag Day." The Band was authorized to proceed and collected $519.
- The Success Dish Washing Machine Company failed in September, the Weldless Tube Co needed only the assistance of "part of Wooster's surplus money," and five ailing companies were occupying the Board's attention.
- In October, efforts were focused on securing endorsement at the election for the creation of a park commission. Mr. Vitale came to Wooster, travelled over the entire city and proclaimed the Board had chosen the perfect location for the park, "one which nature has prepared for our use."
- By unanimous consent, the secretary was instructed to send a check for $5.00 to Morris Kropf, "the boy who so well entertained us with his whistling at the annual meeting," and it was resolved that the Board lend the Band any amount they may need for new uniforms - not to exceed $1000.
- A committee from Bauer Manufacturing Company expressed interest in the old Canton Metal Products site.
- Mr. McKee's Community Interests Committee felt Wooster should have a tourist camp.
- Mr. Foss recommended a censorship committee to pass upon all solicitation schemes.
- On October 25, the Band was sent to the College to take part in the dedication of the new stadium at a cost of $100 to the Board.
- Christmas Run Park was deeded to the City, the Park Commission agreeing to reimburse the Board for expenses incurred.
- The annual meeting was held in the new high school auditorium during which a band concert was rendered by the Wooster Board of Trade Band.
- In April, a loan of $350 was approved for the Band.
- Mr. Amiet was present at the November meeting in the interest of locating an institution for the feebleminded on a tract of land between Apple Creek and Mt. Eaton.
- To raise additional money for development, the Board authorized the sale of 10 year coupon bonds in the aggregate sum of $65,000 at the rate of 6 1/2% per annum. As collateral, all of the Board of Trade's assets were assigned to the Commercial Banking & Trust Company, The. By March 1927, $40,000 of the bonds had been sold.
- This year, two new committees were formed, Agriculture and Adult Recreation.
- The Board contributed $100 for the purpose of installing traffic signals on E. Liberty St. and heard a proposal from the Chas. Ellis Co. of N.Y.C. relative to putting on a film at the local theatre specifying "Buy It In Wooster."
- A vote favoring the annexation of the Village of Bloomington passed.
- The Board was notified that the rental rate for their office space would be increased by one-third.
- The Board convened their November 12 meeting at their new offices in the Citizens Bank building at which time the Band reported they had insufficient funds to get them through the winter. Band director Kaufman appeared at the December 10 meeting stating he didn't want the Board to think the Band was a group of parasites or money grabbers, but were working in common accord to furnish the people of Wooster with real music. The Directors authorized a concert to raise funds.
- The Board heard such proposals as offering 3-year memberships instead of one to save money, and a resolution that the motto of Wooster be "A Good Place to Live." No action was taken on the latter.
- The March audit verified Board assets of $146,226.
- The Publicity Committee planned to have a small circular published to hand to tourists to make them welcome in our city, and to invite them to park anywhere and park as long as they liked.
- A proposition was sent by the Board to city council requesting they include in their budget $1000 to be paid for concerts by the Band since all citizens enjoyed the music.
- In February, the farm known as the Harriet McCoy farm and consisting of 137 acres was purchased by the Board of Trade at a cost of $11,500, for the purpose of establishing an airport. In November, an additional 50 acres was purchased in order to make the airport one of the best in the state. Since the city didn't now have the money, the Board would be reimbursed later.
- The Board of Trade sold the Perkins Steel plant to the Gerstenslager Company in March, and in May, Mr. Amster reported on the matter of a road to the Timken Co.
- For ten years the Board had discussed hiring a full time secretary "so the Board could get more done." In July, Mr. John Schultz, president of Citizens National Bank agreed to be Executive Secretary of the Board, his annual salary $2100. By December he resigned owing to the press of private business.
- An ominous entry in the August minutes portended things to come: "After a discussion of the general business problems of the Board, the meeting adjourned."
- In January, Mr. A. L. Fabens was hired as the next Executive Secretary at a salary of $175 per month.
- Although the audit indicated a balance of $76,721.64, concerns were mounting regarding the collection of delinquent payments due the Board. Mr. Schultz noted a number of subscriptions to the previous sustaining fund remained unpaid and were probably uncollectable. Membership was down: the goal of 482 members, the same as last year, had not been met. The membership drive was badly handicapped by the number of men who were busy at the last minute.
- A letter from the Ohio Chamber of Commerce was received in December suggesting a "Buy Now" campaign in the present period of depression.
- A bill submitted by the band was the last straw. The bill was ordered paid, but the Executive Secretary was authorized to terminate relations with the Wooster Board of Trade Band.
- "The Board was loath to consider a reduction in salary for the coming year, but in consideration of the present general financial condition, the president, through a previous agreement, stated Mr. Fabens would carry the work for 1931 at $75 per month."
- Past due accounts were increasing. Lawsuits and forced sales were instituted against companies owing past due rents and taxes. The Board was paying installments on the bonds issued earlier.
- A little cheer was provided by a special committee of the Wooster Business Men's Association. After soliciting Christmas Street Illuminating Funds, they festooned downtown Wooster with artificial, illuminated Christmas trees, an "Enchanted Forest." Total cost including trees, freight, electric current, labor, and Western Union was $337.91.
- Wooster Board of Trade Band property, such as musical instruments, owned by the Board of Trade was turned over to the Board of Education, and the high school orchestra favored the members with a half hour of inspiring music at the annual meeting.
- Board President Schultz strongly recommended continuing the cooperative work with Wayne County farm organizations, the work in influencing tax reductions, and the Trade in Wooster program.
- Speaker Dr. William L. Davis, Prof. of Economy at Akron University, urged the payment of all debts, called high financing one of the nation's curses, and commended our city for its great investment in churches, schools, parks, streets, etc. - the things in life that really count.
- Seventy-nine individuals and businesses were on the Board's delinquent list.
- The Board now formed the Wooster Welfare & Unemployment Committee because "the funds of the Welfare were decreasing, the number of calls for help increasing." The committee cooperated with the city to operate a commissary and to provide one day's work per week to one able-bodied man in each family.
- President Quinby appointed chairmen to the following committees: Agriculture, City Beautification, Conventions & Community Decoration, Community Interest & Parks, Finance, Legal, Manufacturers, Mercantile, New Industries & Real Estate, Publicity, Taxation, Transportation, and Welfare & Unemployment.
- Special efforts were undertaken to collect monies due the Board, for on several occasions, payment of bills had to be deferred for lack of funds.
- Mr. Orahood reported his committee's concern regarding the contamination of the Wooster water supply, however word from the state health department was to the effect that with chlorination, no possible contamination could come from the hog farm west of the city.
- The depression continued to influence the activities of the Board. The members of the Welfare Committee were directed to continue their good work.
- Contributions to the sustaining fund were omitted, and the Board urged city council to put on the ballot a special levy to raise funds for the city.
- Progress was made in retiring the Board's bond indebtedness, made possible by companies who continued to repay their debts to the Board.
- This year the Board had 310 members and total assets of $53,097.
- Proposals presented as Board objectives for the year included attempts to get conventions to the city, the marking of historic spots about the county, the furnishing of maps to visitors and the marking of entrances into the city with signs.
- The Board voted to support the nationwide fight against Dutch Elm disease, providing recommendation from the tree experts at the "Station" substantiated the need for such action.
- Assistance was given by the Board in obtaining the infirmary campsite for 200 CCC boys encamped there while employed in soil erosion and other conservation projects in Wayne County.
- Board membership: 275 paid and 38 pledges, assets: $40,043
- Money was disbursed from the Board's Welfare Fund to support the needs of the Transient Kitchen which had served 1,500 meals in five months.
- The Directors voted to pay off the remaining $4,400 in bonds, that being the Board's only outstanding indebtedness.
- Walter Jolliff, Parking Committee Chairman, worked with the city to prepare a chart of possible parking lots near downtown, 22 downtown lots that could be used for parking would care for 1,000 autos and relieve congestion of automobiles at busy times in downtown Wooster.
- Plans to promote Wooster's industries resulted in news articles with headlines such as "Board of Trade pushes plans to promote use of products made in Wooster."
- Mr. James R. Caldwell, Wooster Rubber Company President, addressed the annual meeting on his contact with chambers of commerce in other cities and the favorable position of small industrial cities such as Wooster in these "striking times."
- Solicitations were again being made to the sustaining fund.
- A bill of $48.00 from Dr. R. L. Hays for inspecting teeth of school children on 6 mornings in January was paid from the Welfare Fund.
- Mr. Crites suggested a letter to all businessmen impressing them and their employees with the need of their using the free parking lots, thereby making more space for the merchants' customers.
- Board of Trade Executive Secretary Fabens resigned in January. From six applications, Ralph Stout was chosen his successor.
- The Board sponsored a flight of airmail from Wooster Airport commemorating Air Mail's 20th anniversary, urged the paving of a 5-mile stretch of S. R. 250 south of Mt. Eaton, hosted the National Speech Tournament, and continued to negotiate with potential new businesses and industries.
- The Secretary was instructed to inform the city authorities that 1939 would see the complete depletion of the Board's Welfare Fund, and other arrangements would have to be made to pay the salary of Mrs. Plank (City Welfare Case Investigator). Board President Stark brought out, for future consideration and deep thought, the matter of a Community Fund "to include a number of the present begs into one askit."
- The following committees were appointed by Board President Locher: New Industry & Finance, Good Roads, Conventions, Welfare, Sports, and Taxation.
- The Board of Trade's nominee, Mrs. Compton, was elected American Mother of the Year by the Golden Rule American Mother's Fund.
- The Toy Kraft Company was experiencing severe financial difficulty.
- A suggestion regarding the taking of home movies of spots of interest about Wooster for Board of Trade promotional usage was tabled.
- The Board authorized the closing of its Transient Home. It had served its purpose.
- Executive Secretary Stout lamented that Board of Trade business was taking up his entire workday.
- Guy Richard tendered his resignation as Board President to replace Mr. Stout as Executive Secretary of the Board of Trade.
- The inaccessibility of the present 3rd floor offices prompted a move to 1st floor offices at the rear of St James Episcopal Church.
- Although a Board survey determined only one town in Indiana and Ohio had a loaning fund for new industries, the Board voted to borrow money to negotiate contracts with Wooster Brush Company, The|The Wooster Brass Co., The Ballonoff Metal Products Co., and the Steel Storage File Co.
- The 50 acres of airport property still owned by the Board was deeded to the city to enable a request for federal aid.
- In a proclamation opposing the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Water Way & Power Project Treaty, the Board went on record in urging drastic reductions in the Federal Government's expenditures believing "this need is vital to the present welfare and future prosperity of this nation."
- Parallel parking was tried downtown.
- To alleviate the pressing need for more free parking spaces downtown, the Board leased two lots, one south of the Collier Building and one north of the Church of God (Wooster, Ohio), paying rents on these lots totaling $130 per year. The Board also purchased an 8 3/4 acre tract of industrial land north of the Timken Roller Bearing Company for $800.
- A Retailers Committee was added to promote "Retailers for Defense Week" and the sale of Defense Stamps.
- By October, Mr. Surname|Bowman was chairing the newly formed Military Affairs Committee.
- Increasing demands were made on the Board of Trade during the war emergency; however, the Board felt they should continue the giving of assistance to all worthy war efforts, and to assist the people of our community in complying with war regulations and orders. Additional concerns included serious housing conditions due to incoming labor, materials shortages affecting local industries, and inequities between counties of draft calls.
- Harry Landes succeeded Director Harold Freedlander who was inducted into the army.
- Board President Ray Dix spearheaded the renewal of the sustaining fund to prepare the Board financially and otherwise to try to obtain new industry for Wooster after the war.
- The Board participated in a survey to determine the number of persons available for employment in Wooster to meet the need for 600 new employees in the next 6 months (70% male, 30% female).
- The manufacturers endorsed special payments to the Board to hire additional personnel and expand the office space to meet their special needs.
- Mr. Harry Domhoff was hired to conduct the Board's membership campaign. He signed 800 members. Minimum dues were $25.00.
- All segments of the business community contributed to the sustaining fund. Sixty-four men representing all lines of retail and professional business went on record as approving this solicitation of funds for the purpose of securing suitable factory sites and other expenses incurred in locating new industries and expanding existing industries.
- The Board purchased 40 acres from the College of Wooster, north of Bowman and east of Palmer streets, for future industrial expansion.
- A Factory Site Committee was appointed to local additional industrial land, especially land surrounding railroad sidings.
- Two other committees were formed, one to plan for a community center, and one to confer with the city to revive the City Planning Commission to formulate plans for the future expansion and growth of our city.
- A letter was received from the Wooster Business Men's Association asking the Board to assume all functions formerly performed by them, with the exception of credit reporting.
- A committee of three was appointed to be known as the Retail Division to represent the mercantile interests.
- One thousand "City of Wooster" booklets were printed for promotional work.
- When the Board learned the Nicolay-Dancey Co. of Detroit was having difficulty completing negotiations for the purchase of the Sherman Funk farm, the Board of Trade paid the unnegotiable $1,000 to insure their relocation. In exchange, the Board received permission to connect with their railroad siding for the future use of additional industries who might locate in that area.
- "For the elimination of the unsightly garbage and scrap dumps on the city limits," the Board formed the Rubbish Dump Committee to find a solution.
- President Amos Buchman reported on his meeting with a committee of young men interested in forming a Junior Board of Trade. By year's end, this organization was underway.
- The Directors authorized construction of a railroad siding, on the 40-acre site they had purchased from the College, to serve new and existing industries at that location.
- This year's committees included: Industrial, Farmer Relations, Junior Board of Trade, Membership, New Industry, Highway, Safety & Traffic, Finance, Public Relations, Town & College, Veterans Housing, Federal & State Legislative, Taxation, Retail Division, and Telephone.
- The new railroad siding was in place on E. Bowman Street and five companies, Silver Brothers Inc, The Wooster Rubber Company, Gerstenslager Company, Wooster Brass, and Bauer Manufacturing Company bought land there to gain rail transportation access.
- Executive Secretary Richard tendered his resignation effective January 1, 1948.
- Mr. Gerald Barker, formerly of the Akron Chamber of Commerce, became the next Executive Secretary.
- International Paper Company came to Wooster, locating their plant on a 10-acre site owned by the Board of Trade on Palmer Street. The Board sold parcels from the old O'Hail property to Theodore Bogner & Sons (Bogner Construction Company) and Walter H. Jones.
- Poor phone service caused the Board to take action. After estimating the cost to produce the phone company's yellow pages directory to be approximately $1,800, and ascertaining they had collectively paid more than $14,000 for yellow pages ads, the Board's members withdrew their display advertising. Phone service improved.
- The Board of Trade borrowed $6,000 to purchase land on Route 30 west of town for the new armory. This land was turned over to the state, and the loan repaid later through a fund drive.
- Action by the Wooster Business Men's Association reversed the decision of the Pennsylvania Railroad to make Wooster a non-stop for the eastbound Manhattan Limited passenger train.
- A Community Project Steering Committee, organized by the Board to schedule local fund raising campaigns, refused to act until the fund drive for the new hospital was completed.
- Chamber members voted 320 YES, 8 NO to change the name of the Wooster Board of Trade to the Wooster Chamber of Commerce.
Quick Facts
- 1893 - June 10, Organized Col. C. V. Hard, President [7]
- 1900 - Organized, Walter D. Foss, first President
- 1908 - December 13, Incorporated in State of Ohio as a not for profit organization. The incorporators are: Walter D. Foss; Albert Dix; John M. Criley; John C. Schultz; and C. M. Gray. [8]
- 1909 - January 26, First annual meeting of the Wooster Board of Trade was held at the Archer House with 121 members present. [9]
- 1910 - The Board of Trade Band was organized. [10]
- 1911 - The minutes of all Board meetings have been archived. [11]
- 1912 - The Wayne County Fair Board asked that the businessmen of Wooster close their places of business for two days during the Wayne County Fair.
- 1950 - Wooster Board of Trade members voted to change the name to Wooster Chamber of Commerce.
- June 12, 1893: "Wooster Board of Trade Hold Their First Meeting", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 7.
- June 14, 1893: "Good Work for Wooster. Board of Trade Moving Steadily Forward", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 1.
- June 16, 1893: "A Shaky Building. Might Cause a Flourishing Firm to Leave the City. But Wooster Will Not Have it That Way-- a Good Case for Board of Trade Action", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 1.
- July 05, 1893: "Editorial: by Wooster Republican & Wayne County Democrat response", Wooster Democrat, p. 2.
- July 11, 1893: "The Way to Win Confidence: Wooster Board of Trade Carefully Handled", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 1.
- March 15, 1894: "Meeting Board of Trade", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 4.
- March 17, 1894: "Import Business: Wooster Board of Trade Last Night: Creamery Question Acted on Favorably", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 4.
- September 06, 1894: "Board of Trade Meeting", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 4.
- April 07, 1894: "Important to Wooster", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 4.
- December 14, 1894: "Every Citizen Invited", Wooster Daily Republican, p. 4.
- December 19, 1894: "Only Waiting For Word From Wooster", Wooster Republican, p. 2.
- June 26, 1895: "Wooster Can Easily Keep the Oar Works Here", Wooster Republican, p. 3.
- August 29, 1900: "Wooster Board of Trade Meeting", Wayne County Democrat, p. 1.
- March 07, 1901: "To Locate in Wooster - Manufacture of railway locomotive and tubular steel cars", Wayne County Herald, p. 2.
- July 24, 1901: "New Pump Works for Wooster", Wayne County Democrat, p. 3.
- July 31, 1901: "Going to Get Them: Wagener Pump Will Be brought to Wooster - Board of Trade Meeting", Wooster Republican, p. 5.
- September 04, 1902: "Wooster Board of Trade: New Officers Elected, Annual Reports", Wayne County Herald, p. 1.
- April 16, 1902: "Citizens' Meeting Tonight.... Pocock Glass Company", Wayne County Democrat, p. 3.
- April 23, 1902: "It is Assured. That the Pocock Glass Works Will Come", Wayne County Democrat, p. 3.
- September 03, 1902: "The New Officers: Elected by the Wooster Board of Trade: Annual Reports Are Made", Wooster Republican, p. 2.
- October 16, 1902: "The Wooster Board of Trade has shown whole hearted activity....", Wayne County Herald, p. 2.
- January 21, 1903: "Shale Land Bought. Another Industry to Be Established in Wooster: The Boydston Farm Purchased by Capitalists", Wayne County Democrat, p. 3.
- August 19, 1903: "Officers Chosen. Annual Meeting of The Wooster Board of Trade. Report of the Treasurer", Wooster Republican, p. 5.
- February 15, 1905: "At a meeting of the executive committee of the Wooster Board of Trade.... demand $40,500... from the Pococks of Massillon", Wayne County Democrat, p. 3.
- June 14, 1905: "New Road in Six Month: If Towns Along the Lien Will Float the Bonds", Wooster Republican, p. 6.
- March 06, 1907: "The Wooster Case: Will Be Heard Some Time This Spring in Cleveland", Wooster Republican, p. 7.
- April 24, 1907: "A Harmony Plan Urged: W. D. Foss Urges All to Work for Wooster", Wooster Republican, p. 6.
- July 31, 1907: "Have Plans for Future: Board of Trade Annual Meeting in the Near Future", Wooster Republican, p. 2.
- August 05, 1908: "To Choose Officers", Wooster Republican, p. 3.
- September 09, 1908: "Bartholomew Not President: Committee Disappointed Three Times, Fears Road Has Little Backing", Wayne County Democrat, p. 1.
- October 20, 1909: "New Factory for Wooster", Wayne County Democrat, p. 1.
- July 20, 1910: "Wooster Gets Big Factory: Pump Factory Employing Two Hundred Men Will Come From Canton", Wayne County Democrat, p. 1.
- February 01, 1911: "Has Money in Treasury: Board of Trade Reports Show Big Boom in Store for Wooster During Coming Here", Wayne County Democrat, p. 6.
- March 15, 1911: "The Wooster Board of Trade... Give the 75 Ashland Members of the Board of Trade a Fine Reception", Wayne County Democrat, p. 3.
- January 03, 1912: "Boosting For Roads", Wayne County Democrat, p. 3.
- February 07, 1912: "Want City Service: An Effort Is to Be Made to Have Car Lines Built in Wooster", Wayne County Democrat, p. 1.
- February 07, 1913: "Members of Board of Trade Meet", Wayne County Democrat, p. 2.
- February 07, 1913: "Pres. J. C. Schultz Has Good Speech", Wayne County Democrat, p. 6.
- November 17, 1915: "Massillon To Be Terminal: Norton From Cleveland, Declares Road Will Miss Wooster if Board is Firm", Rittman Press, p. 1.
- September 06, 1958: "Board of Trade Had Big Part In Progress Here" by Guy Richard, The Daily Record, p. 0.
- August 24, 1968: "Board of Trade Adds Much to Wooster Area" by Guy Richard, The Daily Record, p. 0.
- September 19, 1968: "Wooster's Board of Trade: Led City in Early Progress" by Guy Richard, The Daily Record, p. 8.
- October 30, 1968: "Wooster Board of Trade Founded Basis Of Present Day Industries" by Guy Richard, The Daily Record, p. 0.
- ↑ Wooster Daily Republican, Wooster, Ohio. 1893 Jun 20, p.1.
- ↑ Wayne County Democrat, Wooster, Ohio. 1911 Feb 1, p. 8.
- ↑ Wooster Daily News, Wooster, Ohio. 1913 Jan. 25, p. 1.
- ↑ Wayne County Democrat, Wooster, Ohio. 1913 Feb. 7, p. 2.
- ↑ Wayne County Democrat, Wooster, Ohio. 1913 Feb 7, p. 6.
- ↑ 90 Years of Looking to the Future: 1900-1990. by Elaine Manges. Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce. 1990.
- ↑ Wooster Republican, Wooster, Ohio. 1893 Jun 10, p. 1.
- ↑ Wooster Republican, Wooster, Ohio. 1908 Dec 16, p. 6.
- ↑ Wayne County Democrat, Wooster, Ohio. 1911 Feb 1, p. 8.
- ↑ 90 Years of Looking to the Future: 1900-1990. by Elaine Manges. Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce. 1990.
- ↑ 90 Years of Looking to the Future: 1900-1990. by Elaine Manges. Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce. 1990.