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- Craighead & Co.
- corner of E. Liberty St. and Public Square
- Grocery & home supply house
- Harding & Co.
- W. Liberty St.
- Hardware and sportsmen's supplies
- Hoelzel & Kaltwasser
- E. Side Public Square
- Merchant tailors
- J. Frick & Co.
- Dealer in wool, seeds and grain
- J. Zimmerman & Co.
- W. Liberty St.
- Wholesale druggists, grocers, stationers, etc.
- Laubach & Boyd
- Wholesale and retail druggists and chemists
- McClure & Craighead
- Liberty St., one door west of postoffice
- Stoves, tinware, mantels, plumbers, steam and gas fitters, slate, tin and sheet iron roofers
- W. E. Rice
- American House Block
- Blank books, stationery, artists' materials, fancy goods, etc.
- Wooster Co-Operative Foundry Company, The
- Archer House
- Corner of Buckeye and Liberty Sts.
- A. M. Parrish, Proprietor
- Daniel Funck
- Iron Block
- General insurance and real estate agency, office
- David Nice
- 9 and 11 E. Liberty St.
- Boots and shoes, hats, caps and gentlemen's furnishing goods
- Hartman & Durstine
- Lumber merchants and manufacturers of doors, sash, blinds and Hartman's Refrigerator, etc.
- James D. Robison
- 41 N. Market St.
- Resident physician and surgeon, ofice and residence
- Wooster Monumental Granite Works
- E. Liberty St.
- Alcock, Donald & Hutton, Proprietors
- American House
- E. Liberty St.
- T. S. Hamilton, Proprietor; Mrs. T. S. Hamilton, Clerk
- D. W. Immel
- 79 W. Liberty St.
- Manufacturer of oak tanned harness leather, dealer in shoe findings, etc.
- Gray & Son
- Corner of Liberty and Bever Sts.
- Dealers in coal, salt, lime, cement, drain tile, sewer pipe, etc.
- H. N. Mateer, M.D.
- 41 N. Market St.
- Physician and surgeon
- J. N. Clark
- Downing Block
- Carpets, upholstery, window shades, etc.
- L. Humphrey
- Justice of Peace
- Ross W. Funck
- One door west of court house
- Attorney at Law
- W. C. Myers & Co.
- 35 S. Market St.
- General fire insurance agency, office
- W. H. Harry
- S. E. side pubic square
- photographer
- Wooster City Mills
- Overholt & Col, Proprietors
- Yocum & Taggart
- S. W. corner public square
- Attorneys at Law, Office
- Daniel Derr
- 87 S. Market St.
- Manufacturer of fine cigars
- Eastern House
- C. B. Yoder, Proprietor; W. W. Yoder, Clerk
- George Faber
- E. Liberty St.
- Baker and confectioner
- Nolle Bros
- Corner of Buckeye and Liberty Sts.
- Groceries, home and table supplies
- D. W. Bechtel
- Wall paper, window shades, stationery, notions, etc.
- E.P. Bertman
- 43 S. Buckeye St.
- Medicated vapor baths
- James E. Elliot
- Walnut St.
- Coal, coke, lime, cement, plaster, etc.
- Johnston & Phillips
- E. Liberty St.
- Groceries and provisions
- J.P. Van Nest
- W. Liberty St., over J. H. Taylor's Grocery
- General insurance agency, office
- Plank Bros.
- Corner of E. Liberty ; and Bever St.
- Proprietors of Snow Flake Mills
- T.C. Pollock
- 11 N. side of public square
- Groceries and provisions
- Union Meat Market
- 79 E. Liberty St.
- Leonard Saal, Proprietor
- W.B. Bryson
- 22 E. Liberty St.
- Great Eastern 5 and 10 Cent Novelty Store
- William Shibley
- 31 E. Liberty St.
- Jeweler
- A. A. Barnard
- Corner of S. Market and South Sts.
- Meat market
- Cold Wave Dry Air Refrigerator & Cold Storage Room Company
- Sweet hard wood lined and charcoal filled walls.
- N. L. Baumgardner, patentee and manager
- Wenger & Norwood
- 23 W. Liberty St.
- Grocers, bakers and confectioners
- W. Young & Son
- Larwill and S. Bever Sts.
- Manufacturers of mineral waters, etc.
- A. H. Hunt, M.D.
- Office, S.E. side public square
- Residence, 142 N. Buckeye St.
- A. Shibley
- S.E. side public square
- Jeweler and optician
- Dr. C. H. Hesler
- Corner of E. Liberty St. and public square
- Dental parlors
- D. Stoner & Co.
- South side of square
- Queensware, crockery and glassware
- E. Faber
- 18 W. Liberty St.
- Restaurant and saloon
- Elliott & Wacker
- 85 E. Liberty St.
- Dealers in coal and coke, office
- H. B. Swartz
- Downing Block
- Attorney at Law, office
- J. L. Saal
- W. Liberty St.
- Meat market
- M. S. Stuller
- North St.
- Harness and saddlery
- Nation House
- Corner of Grant and Liberty Sts.
- Mrs. Margaret Schwartz, Proprietor
- O. M. Albright
- S.E. corner of Market and E. South Sts.
- Groceries and provisions, queensware, glassware, etc.
- Teeple's Galleries
- Wooster, Ashland and Massillon
- W. H. H. Sichley
- Memorial Block, next door to Postoffice
- Gentlemen's clothier and furnisher
- Whitmore & Simon
- Merchant tailors
- A. E. Atkins
- 37 E. Liberty St.
- "Candy Kitchen"
- A. P. Babb
- E. Liberty St.
- Groceries and provisions
- E. Rotthaus
- 21 W. Liberty St.
- Grocery, bakery and saloon
- F. C. Peckinpaugh
- News dealer and stationer
- L. D. Forker
- General repair shops
- Livery, Feed & Sale Stable
- N. Buckeye St.
- Jerome T. Baird, Proprietor
- M. L. Spooner
- 39 S. Market St.
- Examiner of titles, and dealer in real estate, office
- Samuel Moses
- N. Bever St.
- Wagon and carriage shops
- Wm. Annat
- 3 E. Liberty St.
- Dry goods and notions
- Orrville
- Orrville Planing Mill Co
- A. J. Blackstone
- N. Main St.
- Clothier and furnisher
- Drs. Moncrief & Orr
- Resident physicians and surgeons
- F. Dysle & Bro.
- Tanners and curriers
- H. Blankenhorn
- Druggist and stationer
- Isaac Pontius
- Steam and domestic coal
- J. B. Heffelman
- N. Main St.
- Stoves & tinware
- J. F. Seas
- N. Main St.
- General hardware
- J. R. Beals
- W. Market St.
- Ground floor gallery
- Mansion House
- A. Sponhour, Proprietor
- New Commercial House
- At crossing of the P. Ft. W. & C., C. A. & C., P. & W., and W. & L. E. Railroads
- J. F. Reeves, Proprietor
- Thos. Overton
- Drain tile works
Sketch of Girl by Jules Lefebure
- C. D. Swan
- S.W. corner of Market and Main Sts.
- Druggist and pharmacist
- D. J. Leickheim
- N. Main St.
- Groceries, queensware, etc.
- Dunlap's Book Store
- W. Market St.
- G. T. Dunlap, Proprietor
- Gerber & Beidler
- Furniture and undertaking
- H. Shriber & Sons
- Cash grocery and provision house
- Hurd House
- Jacob Bair
- Meat market
- Kroft Bros.
- ; W. Market St.
- Tonsorial artists
- Miss Julia Boigegrain
- Laundry
- M. Whitmyer
- Restaurant and saloon
- Philip Simon
- Barber and hair dresser
- Shisler & Seas
- Agricultural implements, farm seeds, etc.
- S. P. Grill, M.D.
- Resident physician and surgeon
- Doylestown
- Albert Galehouse
- Clothing and furnishing house
- Chas. McCormish
- Druggist and pharmacist
- Dague Bros & Co
- General merchandise
- Dannemiller Bros. & Co.
- Hardware, stoves, miners' supplies, agricultural implements, etc.
- Jackson House
- George Jackson, Proprietor
- Seiberling, Miller & Co.
- Doylestown and Akron, Ohio
- Manufacturer of the renowned Excelsior and Empire HarvestinJules Lefebureg Machinery Manufacturing, general office & factory
- A. H. Pursell l& Son
- Dannemiller's New Block
- Dental parlors
- Allen Haring
- Mayor, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public
- B. L. Williams
- Photographic and art gallery
- C. Youngker
- Dry goods and groceries
- D. C. Smith & Son;
- Fashionable merchant tailor
- Geo. A. Jenior
- General blacksmith, carriage and wagon works
- H. F. Snyder & Co.
- South Room I.O.O.F. Block
- Boots, shoes and rubber goods
- High & Ganter;
- Harness and saddlery
- J. B. Meech
- Shondel Block
- Attorney at Law, office
- J. C. Hochstetler
- Drugs and medicines, books and stationery, groceries and provisions
- J. H. Harkins
- Fine groceries
- Mrs. H. Gates
- Millernery, ladies' furnishing goods, notions, etc.
- South View House
- M. W. Houshalter
- W. A. Huffman & Co.
- Hardware, stoves, agricultural implements, etc.
- Albin Oppel
- Shop in Jackson Hotel
- Barber and hair dresser
- A. M. Bachman
- The photographer
- B. F. Putt, M.D.
- Dannemiller Block
- Resident physician and surgeon, office
- C. E. Carter
- Jeweler
- Dr. A. S. Stepfield
- Homeopathic physician and surgeon
- E. R. Spencer, M.D.
- First door west of I.O.O.F. block
- Resident physician and surgeon, office
- Fred Schneider
- Boot and shoe maker
- George Mealy & Son
- Furniture and undertaking
- Harmon Ash
- Manufacturer of boots and shoes
- J. Deible
- Restaurant
- Joseph Steinmetz
- Barber and hair dresser
- M. Hartman
- Bakery and confectionery
- Misses Smyser & Hoffman
- Fashionable millinery goods, trimmings, etc.
- T. G. Boak
- Meat market
- W. W. Baysinger
- Meat market
- Shreve
- B. T. Mohn
- Manufacturer of and dealer in harness, saddles, etc.
- E. E. Bertolett & Co.
- Druggists and chemists
- H. J. Collier
- Dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, musical instruments, sewing machines
- H. Wachtel
- Dry goods, carpets, clothing, hats, caps, notions, etc.
- J. D. Ebright
- Boots, shoes and rubbers
- J. H. Geesaman
- Dealer in groceries, bakery, glass and queensware
- J. Williams
- Notary Public, collector and insurance agent
- Porter & Geisinger
- Bakery and grocery
- S. G. Metcalf
- Dealer in wall paper, school books and supplies, etc.
- W. W. Wise
- Real estate and insurance agent
- A. & G. Carl
- Dealers in hardware and agricultural implements
- A. H. Macky
- Glass and queensware
- A. Tidball
- Furniture and undertaknig
- Central Hotel
- Joseph Cammarn, Proprietor
- C. V. Vanniman
- Dealer in harness, saddles, trunks, valises, etc.
- E. G. Oldroyd
- Watchmaker and jeweler
- Grosjean & Rogers
- Dealers in stoves and tin, copper and sheet iron ware, roofing & spouting
- L. R. McMarrell
- Livery and feed stable
- Shreve Roller Mill
- J. B. Keys, Proprietor
- W. H. Musser
- Boots and shoes
- West Salem
- C. D. Trowbridge
- N. Main St.
- The grocer
- E. L. Peters
- Boots, shoes and rubbers
- Enoch Morr
- Farm implements
- E. V. Cobb, M.D.
- Resident physician and surgeon
- Office days: Saturday and Monday
- Frank Bowman
- Hardware, stoves, tinware and general roofer
- G. A. Carlin, M.D.
- Bank Block;
- Druggist and pharmacist
- J. A. Wells
- Groceries, confectioneries and bakeries
- Mallory Bros.;
- Stoves and tinware, slate, tin and metal roofers
- M. P. Morr
- Barber and hair dresser
- O. F. Morr;
- Furniture and undertaking
- R. H. Herwick;
- Meat market
- Drushal & Byers
- Corner of Main and Buckeye Sts.
- Hardware, stoves, agricultural implements, etc.
- Frank D. Blackburn
- The photographer
- H. F. Duval
- Meat market
- H. W. Morr
- Dressed and undressed lumber, etc.
- J. C. Clark
- Dry goods, notions and carpets
- J. L. Gable
- Drugs and pharmacy
- John Fletcher, Jr.
- Harness Bazar
- J. W. Kiplinger & Co.
- Druggists and pharmacists
- L. Schloss
- Corner of Main and Buckeye Sts.
- Merchant tailor, clothier and furnisher
- McVicker House
- H. McVicker, Proprietor
- Mrs. K. L. Swope
- Millinery
- Peter Hantz
- Livery, feed and sale stables
- T. B. Keeler
- Attorney at Law
- Thomas Henderson
- Blacksmith
- W. A. Sharick
- Jewelry, etc.
- B. Myers
- Groceries
- George W. Stephens
- General blacksmith
- J. H. Rice
- Livery, feed and sale stable
- John A. Guderjahn
- Manufacturer of and general repairing of boots, shoes and harness
- Mrs. Annie Best
- Fashionable milliner
- M. S. Reed & Co.
- Manufacturer of the Boss Antirattler
- Simon, Shilhart & Co.
- Manufacturers of household furniture
- West Salem Mills
- Greely & Co., Proprietors
- Burbank
- F. E. Snyder
- Flour mill
- R. J. Cockrell
- Dealer in grain, wool, seeds and general warehouse business
- Wherry & Baker
- Dealer in grain, wool, seeds, and general warehouse business
- C. W. Weiser
- Blacksmithing, horse shoeing, etc.
- E. A. Palmer
- Groceries, hardware and agricultural implements
- E. E. Holloway
- Dentist
- F. W. Neumyer
- Shoe maker and barber
- G. W. Holloway
- Boots, shoes and rubbers, custom and repair work
- H. A. Overs
- Manufacturer of tinware, spouting, roofing and general job work
- Hower Bros.
- General merchandise
- James Dorland
- Harness maker
- J. R. Ogden & Son
- General blacksmithing
- Miller House
- J. Miller, Proprietor
- Mrs. M. A. Steele
- Millinery and fancy goods
- Over & Addleman
- Hardware, farming implements, etc.
- Burbank House
- J. W. Kline, Proprietor
- Double & Garver
- Furniture and undertaking
- George Spangler
- Druggist
- Holloway & Lewis
- Dry goods, groceries, glassware, queensware, clothing, notions, etc.
- Ish & Steele
- Meat market
- Jacob Painter
- Manufacturer of wagons, buggies and repair work
- Smithville
- Adam Brand
- Flour mill
- E. A. Kremer
- Dentist
- Gilbert Bros.
- Manufacturers of carriages and wagons, dealers in hardwood lumber
- Horace M. Blattenberg
- Harness maker and carriage trimmer
- M. H. Gilbert
- General blacksmithing
- Miller & Brenneman
- Planing mill
- M. S. & J. e. Zimmerman
- Furniture and undertaking
- P. S. Greenamyer, M.D.
- Physician and surgeon
- Thomas & Hunsberger
- Dry goods, groceries, notions, wall paper, school supplies, etc.
- A. Breneman
- Dealer in hardware, stoves, tin ware, oil, paints, roofing and spouting
- A. C. Baum;
- Smithville elevator
- Charles A. McFarland
- Restaurant and hotel
- E. W. Redding
- Books, stationery, tobacco, cigars and notions
- Fisher Coulter
- Saloon
- George O. Webner
- Livery stable and hack line and dealer in coal
- H. E. Baker;
- Barber and hair dresser
- Isaac Deahuff
- Dealer in boots, shoes and rubbers
- Manufacturer of fine custom work
- J. B. Sheller
- Meat market
- John Willaman's Son
- Drugs and groceries
- Mrs. C. E. Crawford
- Milliner and dress maker
- S. W. Shoemaker
- General blacksmithing and horse shoeing
- Tremont House
- William Coulter, Proprietor
- William Tepley
- Blacksmith and wagon maker
- Y. S. Baker
- Dealer in boots, shoes and rubbers
- Manufacturer of fine custom made work
- Apple Creek
- A. D. Schultz
- Manufacturer of carriages & wagons
- C. R. Dickey & Co.
- Planing and saw mill
- E. H. McEwen
- Drugs and medicines
- F. Nussbaum
- Dealer in general hardware, agricultural implements, paints, ,oils, varnishes, pumps, etc.
- George H. Keppel
- Dealer in grain, seeds, etc.
- G. W. Blandford
- Groceries and provisions
- Isaiah Fisher
- Saloon, billiards and restaurant
- John Stair
- Manufacturer and dealer in saddles, bridles, etc.
- J. K. King
- Physician and surgeon
- Levi Reiter
- General merchandise
- M. Cotterman
- Boots and shoes
- Mrs. E. J. King
- Millinery and fancy goods
- S. H. Villard
- Saloon and restaurant
- Creston
- A. C. Knestrick, M.D.
- Resident physician and surgeon
- A. W. Harris
- Dealer in lumber, lath, shingles, builders' and farm supplies
- The Creston Milling and Produce Co.
- Manufacturer of roller process flour
- Frank Houghton
- Attorney at Law
- George Taubert
- Groceries and provisions, queensware, glassware, etc.
- Homer Hyde
- Boots, shoes, and rubbers
- J. H. Collins
- Dealer in choice wines and liquors, lager beer, ale, tobaccos and cigars
- J. M. Taggart
- Dealer in wines, liquors, beer, ale, cigars, etc.
- Miller Bros.
- Hardware, stoves and general roofers
- Smith Bros.
- Druggists and pharmacists
- Wideman & Steele
- Livery and feed stable
- W. P. Stebbins & Son
- Bankers
- High & Bell
- Creston and Seville;
- Hardware
- John W. Hoffman
- Harness and saddlery
- J. P. Heckman
- Creston and Smithville
- Boots, shoes and rubbers
- J. W. Stratton
- Jeweler
- L. M. Gibson
- Barber
- Olin L. Kean, M.D.
- Physician and surgeon
- R. E. Kerr
- Furniture and funeral director
- Wallace M. Smith
- Proprietors custom bakery, ticket agent for steamship lines
- Warden Wheeler
- Notary Public
- W. F. Lance
- Home and table supply house
- Fredericksburg
- A. J. Peterman
- Contractor and builder, saw and planing mills and lumber yard
- J. Boyer Lytle
- Druggist and pharmacist
- J. G. Albertson
- Groceries, provisions, queensware, etc.
- James E. Grosjean
- Patentee and manufacturer of patent funeral annunciator
- J. Stadden
- Livery, feed and sale stables
- Dalton
- August Jabas
- Furniture and undertaking, W. & L. E. R. R.
- Central House
- R. K. Cole, Proprietor
- E. A. Freet
- Clothing, hats, caps and furnishing goods
- H. R. Weimer
- Stoves and tinware
- J. G. Dague & Co.
- Dry goods, millinery, notions, groceries, etc.
- J. R. Sturgis
- Druggist, chemist and apothecary
- L. C. Davidson
- Boots, shoes and rubbers
- Sterling
- Amstutz & Co.
- Pleasant Valley Mills
- C. A. Lee
- Jeweler and optician
- C. F. Wright
- General blacksmithing
- D. C. Steiner
- Dealer in boots, shoes, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods
- Frank Saunear
- Saloon
- P. E. Johnson
- Harness manufacturer
- Peter Rouch
- Saloon and billiards
- P. R. NYE
- Livery stable
- Sterling Wrench Co.
- Valley House
- S. E. Dustman, Proprietor
- William Shrig
- Boot and shoe maker
Includes Wooster, Orrville, Doylestown, and Shreve (part)
Includes Apple Creek, Blachleyville, Burbank, Creston, Dalton, Fredericksburg, Mt. Eaton, Reedsburg, Shreve (continued), Smithville, Sterling, Weilersville, West Lebanon, West Salem
Includes Burton City, Canaan, Cedar Valley, Congress, Easton, Golden Corners, Koch's, Lattasburg, Madisonburg, Marshallville, Millbrook, Plain, Pleasant Home, Rittman