524 N. Bever St., Wooster, Ohio

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The house located at 524 N. Bever St. in Wooster, Ohio was likely built sometime between 1883 and 1890 by property owner Weston Peckinpaugh. Photograph by S. Zimmerman

The house located at 524 N. Bever St. was likely built sometime between 1883 and 1890 by property owner Weston Peckinpaugh. It was added to the Wayne County Landmark Registry by the Wayne County Historical Society of Ohio as the Williams House and awarded the status of a "Pioneer House" in 1976 and was marked with a plaque.

Architecturally the house displays elements of both Gothic and Stick styles. The exterior walls are sheathed with wood clapboards. The gable is adorned with decorative scrollwork attached under the eaves. The facade below the front gable has board-and-batten type siding, as does the decorative gable on the front porch.--Information provided by: Historic Founders' Row Association

Wayne County Recorder Property Transfers

  • 1816: William Henry, Joseph H. Larwill, Abigail Larwill To John Bever R13-T15-S4 Vol. 1 p.100 $1
  • 1837: Last will and testament of John Bever deceased gave to daughter Mirtilla (Bever) Bowman married to James L. Bowman land containing 68 acres of the SE QRT R13-T15-S4.
  • 1857:
  • 1858: J. B. McKennan (mis-spelled McKinney) Jr. To Jacob Metz Vol. 48 p.352 Old Lot No.s 158, 165, 166, 167 $2,200 and 3 20/100
  • 1859: Jacob Metz To Gotlieb Gasche Vol. 49 p.731 part of Old Lot No. 165 $775
  • 1883: Christena Gasche To Weston F. Peckinpaugh Vol. 108 p.703 (after 1870 renumbering) part of Lot No. 1619 $750
  • 1891: Weston F. Peckinpaugh To Mary L. Packer Vol. 121 p.427 part of Lot No. 1619 $2,700
  • 1898: Mary L. Packer To Effie J. Clark Vol. 133 p.568 part of Lot No. 1619 $2,000
  • 1940: Effie J. Clark, deceased To Ranson D. Clark, heir Vol. 241 p.140 part of Lot No. 1619 $0
  • 1966: Ranson D. Clark, deceased To Thelma S. Ungerer Vol. 419 p.230 part of Lot No. 1619 sold to settle estate $7,700
    • Thelma Ungerer To Phillip D. Williams, Carol Ann Williams Vol. 527 p.33 part of Lot No. 1619 $31.80 conveyance fee
  • 1977: Carol Ann Williams To Tom A. Gross, Suzanne M. Gross Vol. 527 p.85 part of Lot No. 1619 $71.00 conveyance fee
  • 1999: Tom A. Gross, Suzanne M. Gross To Suzanne M Gross Trustee parcel 64-01885 or part of Lot No. 1619 transfer $0

See Also