415 N. Bever St., Wooster, Ohio
The wood frame house located at 415 N. Bever St. was likely built between 1909-1910 by property owner Wilson Peter Snyder's son Miles H. Snyder. Wilson P. Snyder was a noted local horseman, having been a dealer in horses since he was a young man: buying and selling work horses. For nearly 15 years in horse sales he was joined in partnership with his son, Miles H. Snyder, and the two conducted their horse business from their large sale barn, which later was converted into the Hudson-Essex automobile sales garage. For over 20 years Wilson Snyder had also been director of the Wayne County National Bank and was elected to the presidency of this bank following the death of the previous bank president Dr. George W. Ryall.
W.P. Snyder was married twice. His first wife being Anna Brown with whom he had three children: Miles H. Snyder, Dr. Fred B. Snyder, Mrs. Harriett Houghton. First wife, Anna (Brown) Snyder, died in 1914 and in 1921 Mr. Snyder married Mary O. Kauffman and the two moved into and lived happily together in their house at 407 N. Bever St. and he continued to own the land on which his son's house at 415 N. Bever St. sat until W.P. Snyder died in 1927.
Old Wooster City directories indicate Miles H. Snyder and his wife Elizabeth R. Snyder lived in the house at 415 N. Bever St. from the time it was built until 1960. Miles H. Snyder died in 1951 and his wife owned the house until her attorney sold it in 1961 at which point the 50 year Snyder family ownership came to an end.
This house was once featured during the annual AAUW house tour during the Hildebrand ownership tenure.
Wayne County Recorder Property Transfers
- 1816: 1816: William Henry, Joseph H. Larwill, Abigail Larwill To John Bever Vol. 1 p.100 $1
- 1837: Last will and testament of John Bever deceased gave to daughter Mirtilla (Bever) Bowman married to James L. Bowman land containing 68 acres.
- 1857:
- Mirtilla Bowman To Jacob B. McKennan Trust Deed Vol. 50 p.242-244
- J.B. McKennan's Addition to the Town of Wooster: Plat of 30 outlots numbered 149-178 dated November 7, 1857.
- 1862: Jacob B. McKennan To Ephriam Quinby Jr. Vol. 54 p.327 Old Lot No.s 150, 151, 152, 155, 156, 159, 171
Note: In the 1870 Renumbering old lot number 171 was renumbered to 1360 and contained approximately 1.83 acres.
- 1909: Edward M. Quinby To Elmer S. Landes Vol. 159 p.525 Lot 1360 (1.83 acres) $5,000
Note: On April 19, 1909 it is recorded that E.S. Landes sub-divided Lot 1360 into 7 parcels and they were given the following lot numbers: 1360, 2141, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2146.
B E V E R | |||
1360 | |||
2141 | |||
2142 | |||
2143 | 2145 | 2146 | |
2144 | |||
- 1909: Elmer S. Landes To W.P. Snyder Vol. 159 p.558 Lot No. 2143 $975
- 1952: Miles H. Snyder, deceased To Elizabeth R. Snyder Vol. 301 p.553 Lot No.s 2143 and strip off 2145 $0
- 1961: Elizabeth R. Snyder by Attorney To Lawrence Douglas Emerson, Frederic Douglas Emerson Vol. 378 p.477 Lot No.s 2143, 2145 $16,500 (according to $18.15 Revenue Stamps)
- 1988: Fritz Emerson To Robert I. Hildebrand, Ethel Hildebrand $64,000
- 1994: Robert I. Hildebrand, Ethel Hildebrand To Scott A. McLain, Theresia McLain $110,000
- 1999: Scott A. McLain, Theresia McLain To John Beno, Susan S. Beno $106,000
Newspaper articles
- September 28, 1951: "Miles Snyder Rites Set Saturday At 1", The Daily Record, p. 14.
- February 22, 1927: "W P Snyder, 69, Dies Suddenly Monday Night", The Daily Record, p. 1&3.
- February 24, 1927: "W.P. Snyder Laid to Rest This Afternoon", The Daily Record, p. 3.
See Also
- To figure out how much people paid for a property read about Revenue Stamps and Property Conveyance Fee History