332 N. Bever St., Wooster, Ohio
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The wood frame house located at 332 N. Bever St. in Wooster, Ohio was likely built sometime between 1908-1910 for property owners Walter G. Whitaker and his wife Katherine P. Whitaker as they bought the lot of land for $1,200 in 1908 and sold it in 1910 for $5,500 indicating a substantial improvement was made to the property: a house was built.
Wayne County Recorder Property Transfers
- 1814: John Bever To John Sloane Vol. 1 p.131 R13, T15, S4 PSE (later numbered Lots 11 & 13) $800
- 1856: R.B. Stibbs (Executor for John Sloane Estate) To Christian Eyster Vol. 46 p.537 Old Lot No. 13 $334 at Public Auction
- 1857: Christian Eyster To John A. Anderson Vol. 46 p.539 Old Lot No. 13 $400
- 1858: John A. Anderson To Charles Gasche* Vol. 48 p.397 Part of Old Lot No. 13 $500
* Note: The Recorders Index misidentifies Charles as "Christ Gasche" but it is "Charles Gasche" on actual Deed of Record. The deed also explains that Old Lot No. 13 (Sloane's Lot) was subdivided into seven parcels by John Anderson and Charles Gasche bought parcel number 7.
- 1905: Frederick N. Gasche, Charles C. Gasche, Executors for Charles Gasche deceased To John W. Ames Vol. 152 p.33 (1870 Renumbered) Lot 1616 $4,000
- 1908: John W. Ames, Blanche M. Ames To Katherine P. Whitaker, Walter G. Whitaker Vol. 158 p.82 Part of Lot 1616 $1,200
- 1910: Katherine P. Whitaker, Walter G. Whitaker To Hulda E. Odenkirk Vol. 162 p.295 Part of Lot 1616 $5,500
- 1933: Hulda E. Odenkirk, deceased To I. H. Odenkirk, Russell Odenkirk Vol. 223 p.136 Part of Lot 1616 Affidavit Transfer
- 1934: I. H. Odenkirk, Russell Odenkirk To Albert M. Fesler, Elizabeth Fesler, Mary Fesler Vol. 224 p.486 Part of Lot 1616 $5,000 according to $5.50 revenue stamp
- 1965: Leo Buchholz, nephew and Executor for Albert M. Fesler, deceased To Paul Willour, Annabel C. Willour Vol.415 p.29 Part of Lot 1616 $10,500
- 1969: Paul Willour, Annabel C. Willour To Alfred H. Vander Hill, Bettie J. Vander Hill Vol. 441 p.666 Part of Lot 1616 $17,900 according to $17.90 conveyance fee
- 1980: Alfred H. Vanderhill, divorced To Bettie J. Vanderhill Vol. 564 p.84 Part of Lot 1616 $10 Quit-Claim
- 2003: Bettie J. Vanderhill To Bettie J. Vander Hill Trustee Part of Lot 1616 or parcel 64-01890 $0 Quit-Claim
See Also
- To figure out how much people paid for a property read about Revenue Stamps and Property Conveyance Fee History